Friday, June 6, 2014

#edcampusa Experience

I discovered that I only really blog after I have been so inspired that my mind is still turning hours later after an experience. Today after a two year hiatus, it has happened again because.... I have attended my first Edcamp.

Since I have taken my position as the state department, I found myself in a different part of the playing field in education. Attending conferences was no longer about bringing something back to my classroom but bringing something back to the state. To be honest, there was not a conference I attended that really help me in my role.... until today.

The USDE Edcamp was different. The topics discussed included how to include all educators in social networking so we could all be connected. One idea that was shared by the edcampers is to start the movement of state involvement. This means having SDE know what is going in districts and schools, not just policy. The state has this stigma of being unreachable and I want to change that.

No matter what happens in the future, the SDE will always have to monitor policy and ensure compliance but there has to be a middle ground in which we are still connected to the classrooms and to each other.

My one take away from #Edcampusa is to connect to other state departments, share ideas, and start the State Edcamp Movement.

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