Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Learning from Others - My First Connections

My favorite year of teaching was my second year. I taught third grade with an incredible team. As a team, we planned together, graded together, and team taught. At the time, we thought we were friends working together. Now, there is a name for what were: Learning Community.

It was my favorite year of teaching because we worked together to improve our own teaching which in turn improved student achievement. I felt that I grew as a professional and our data demonstrated the student grew as well.

Now, I work at the state department. Not a day goes by that I do not miss working directly with students. However, I have found a passion for working with educators. I like helping teachers share the great things they are doing with other teachers. I like working with teachers to improve their practice. I like working with a team that has a common goal to improve student achievement through educator effectiveness.

It is amazing how my world has changed since, I began as a teacher. Even though it has become wider, the same principals exist. Being connected makes me feel like I am effective. I am helping others while improving my own practice.

Cheers! To Connected Educator Week!

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